
25 March, 2016

Episode 013 - Quraysh Take Action [Episode Guide]

(Amrou ibn Hisham)
 أبو جهل
(عمرو بن هشام) 
Described by many as the "Pharaoh" of Islam. A member of the powerful Makhzum clan, his name at birth was "Amrou". Due to his promising talents, he soon became known by the nickname "Abu-al-Hakam", the father of wisdom. A staunch opponent of Islam, due to this, the followers of Muhammed were quick to label him "Abu-Jahl", the father of ignorance. 
  • Ikrimah ibn Abi-Jahl
  • Walid ibn al-Mughira 
  • Khalid ibn al-Walid  

Abu-Sufyan ibn Harb 
أبو سفيان بن حرب 
A member of the prominent clan of Abd-Shams. After Muhammed's hijra to Medina and his establishment of an independent state there, Abu-Sufyan eventually became the effective leader of Mecca, heading Quraysh's struggle against Muhammed and his new Medinese allies. Eventually he would convert to Islam and his sons would establish the Ummayad empire/caliphate. 
  • Mu'awiya ibn Abi-Sufyan 

Episode 013 - Quraysh Take Action

In this episode we continue exploring Muhammed's life. This episode Quraysh's idle toleration comes to an end. Make sure to visit the blog for the episode guide:

11 March, 2016

Episode 012 - Rise & Warn [Episode Guide]

Abu-Lahab ibn Abd-al-Muttalib 
أبو لهب بن عبد المطلب 
 Uncle of the prophet Muhammed. Abu-Lahab is a nickname, his real/original name was Abd-al-Uzza. Lived his life a staunch opponent of Islam.
  • Abd-al-Muttalib ibn Hisham
  • Muhammed ibn Abd-Allah

Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas 
سعد بن أبي وقاص  
 From the clan of bani Zuhra, he is said to have been the 17th person to accept Islam, doing so at the age of 17. Would later on in his life lead the Islamic conquest of Sassanid Persia during the caliphate of the 2nd rightly guided caliph Umar. 
  • Abd-al-Rahman ibn Awf 

Episode 012 - Rise & Warn

In this episode we continue exploring Muhammed's life. This episode Muhammed goes public with Islam.
Make sure to visit the blog for the episode guide:

03 March, 2016

Episode 011 - The 1st Believers [Episode Guide]

Character Profiles

Make sure to visit the "Character" profile page, makes it much easier to keep track of who is who as more and more are introduced in our podcast, and more figures become more central to our story. All other useful links and pages available, which are constantly being update, can be found listed on the "Categories/Index".

Abu-Bakr's First 5

Episode 011 - The 1st Believers

In this episode we continue exploring Muhammed's life. This episode we take a look at the 1st few people who accepted Muhammed's message. Make sure to visit the blog for the episode guide.