Arabic Word
English Pronunciation
English Translation
Additional Information
The Hejaz region lies on the west of the Arabian Peninsula
The word Hejaz in Arabic means barrier, the region is called al Hejaz as the Hejaz mountains form a barrier between the west coast and Arabia
The Yemen region lies in the south-west of the Arabian Peninsula
Refer to the Gallery for maps and landscape images, and to the YouTube channel for videos on geography and my divisions of Arabia
The Najd is the central region of the Arabian Peninsula
Refer to the Gallery for maps and landscape images, and to the YouTube channel for videos on geography and my divisions of Arabia
الربع الخالي
Al-Rub’ al-Khali
The empty quarter is the largest sand desert in Arabia.
Refer to the Gallery for maps and landscape images, and to the YouTube channel for videos on geography and my divisions of Arabia
Most commonly you kunya is derived from the name of your firstborn child. So you become known as mother/father-of. For example Abu-Talib's real name was Abd-Manaf, but he was known by his kunya Abu-Talib, father of Talib (his son).
In many instances wadi can be used to refer to dry riverbeds or intermittent streams.
The History of Islam podcast is a weekly podcast released every Monday on the history of Islam. Seemingly out of nowhere, the Arabs swept near east and rapidly conquered the region between Nile and the Oxus. In the process the world's two premier superpowers were brought to their knees. In this podcast we will look at the events leading to this and what followed! The blog ( will accompany the podcast with episode guides, updates, maps and lots of additional content!