The Character page will contain profiles on the people in the podcast. It will mainly be the key figures that recur for at least more than an episode or two. The order will be in order of appearance. The image for the profile pictures will be obtained from any movie or tv-show that depicts that person, if this option is not available I will use an appropriate image as a substitute.
Name in English
Name in Arabic
A Few Notable Relations
Qusai ibn Kilab
قصي بن كلاب
Qusai, the orchestrator of the conquest of Mecca, he is the man who brought Quraish into prominence. He was known as the gatherer/collector of Quraysh because he united them under his rule. He is Muhammed ﷺ's 3rd great-grandfather, and therefore estimated to have lived sometime in the 4th century A.D.
- Abd-Manaf ibn Qusai
- Abd-Dar ibn Qusai
Abu-Talib ibn Abd-Muttalib
ابو طالب بن عبد المطلب
His real name is Abd-Manaf, Abu-Talib was the nickname he was most commonly known as. Only full uncle of the prophet Muhammed, among Abdul-Muttalib's children it was only Abu-Talib who had the same mother as Abd-Allah (Muhammed's father). Member of the clan of bani Hashim, in his lifetime he manages to become leader of his clan.
- Ali ibn Abu-Talib
- Ja'afar ibn Abu-Talib
Khadija bint Khuwaylid
خديجة بنت خويلد
Wealthy business women, first wife of the prophet Muhammed, and mother of all his children that survived to adulthood. Member of the clan of banu Asad. First convert to Islam.
Zayd ibn Harithah
زيد بن حارثة
One of the first converts to Islam, he was a slave owned by Khadija. After her marriage to Muhammed she gifted Zayd to her husband, who ended up freeing him and adopting him as his son.
Ali ibn Abi-Talib
علي بن أبي طالب
One of the first converts to Islam and 4th caliph. From the clan of bani Hashim, grew up in the household of Muhammed practically as a son. Major figure in Islamic history, especially revered amongst Shi'a muslims.
Father in Law:
- Hasan ibn Ali
- Hussayn ibn Ali
Abu-Bakr ibn Abi-Quhaffa
أبو بكر بن أبي قحافة
His real name is Abd-Allah, Abu-Bakr was the nickname he was most commonly known as. Prophet Muhammed's 'best friend', one of the first converts to Islam, major figure in the rise of Islam, 1st caliph. Was a wealthy merchant before Islam. From the clan of bani Taym.
- Asma bint Abi-Bakr
- Aisha bint Abi-Bakr
Uthman ibn 'Affan
عثمان بن عفان
Member of the prominent Qurashi clan of the bani Abd-Shams, early convert to Islam. He was a very successful merchant, and used his wealth generously to further the rise of Islam. He ended up marrying 2 of Muhammed's daughter's (not simultaneously), later in his life he would become the 3rd rightly guided caliph.
Father in Law:
Bilal ibn Rabah
بلال بن رباح
Born into slavery to an Arab father and an Abyssinian mother, who were both also slaves. His master was Ummaya ibn Khalaf from the prominent clan of bani Jumah. One of the earliest converts to Islam.
Abu-Lahab ibn Abd-al-Muttalib
أبو لهب بن عبد المطلب
Uncle of the prophet Muhammed. Abu-Lahab is a nickname, his real/original name was Abd-al-Uzza. Lived his life a staunch opponent of Islam.
- Abd-al-Muttalib ibn Hisham
Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas
سعد بن أبي وقاص
From the clan of bani Zuhra, he is said to have been the 17th person to accept Islam, doing so at the age of 17. Would later on in his life lead the Islamic conquest of Sassanid Persia during the caliphate of the 2nd rightly guided caliph Umar.
(Amrou ibn Hisham)
أبو جهل
(عمرو بن هشام)
Described by many as the "Pharaoh" of Islam. A member of the powerful Makhzum clan, his name at birth was "Amrou". Due to his promising talents, he soon became known by the nickname "Abu-al-Hakam", the father of wisdom. A staunch opponent of Islam, due to this, the followers of Muhammed were quick to label him "Abu-Jahl", the father of ignorance.
Abu-Sufyan ibn Harb
أبو سفيان بن حرب
A member of the prominent clan of Abd-Shams. After Muhammed's hijra to Medina and his establishment of an independent state there, Abu-Sufyan eventually became the effective leader of Mecca, heading Quraysh's struggle against Muhammed and his new Medinese allies. Eventually he would convert to Islam and his sons would establish the Ummayad empire/caliphate.
Umayya ibn Khalaf
أمية بن خلف
Best known as the slave master of the early muslim, Bilal ibn Rabah. Umayya was a member of the clan of Jumah.
Hamza ibn Abd-al-Muttalib
حمزة بن عبد المطلب
From the bani Hashim clan, most known for being the uncle of the prophet Muhammed. Renowned for his martial abilities, one of the early generals of Islam.
- Abu-Lahab ibn Abd-al-Muttalib
- Abu-Talib ibn Abd-Muttalib
- Abd-al-Muttalib ibn Hisham
Utba ibn Rabi'ah
عتبة بن ربيعة
One of the prominent men of the Quraysh. Leader of the powerful bani Abd-Shams clan.
- Walid ibn Utba
- Abu-Hudhayfa ibn Utba
Ammar ibn Yasir
عمار بن یاسر
An early convert who found Islam through Abu-Bakr. The son of slaves who served the bani Makhzum clan.
Abu-Hudhayfa ibn Utba
أبو حذيفة بن عتبة
The son of Utba ibn Rabi'ah, one of the leading men of the Quraysh. Member of the Abd-Shams clan.
Amr ibn al-A'as
عمر بن العاص
Initially, like most of Mecca Amr opposed Islam, heading Quraysh's delegation to Abyssinia. Member of the Sahm clan. Late convert to Islam. Eventually became a major figure in Islamic history after the death of the prophet.His greatest achievement, the swift conquest of Egypt.
Ja'far ibn Abi-Talib
جعفر بن أبي طالب
Early convert to Islam. Member of Hashim clan, cousin of the prophet. Member, and later leader of the Muslim migration to Abyssinia. Ja'far remained in Abyssinia for 12 years before returning to the Arabian Peninsula.
- Abu-Talib ibn Abd-al-Muttalib